


<p>Chasse ? l’homme</p> <p>XXIII</p> <p>Au-dessus de l’ab?me</p> <p>Pendant que Smithson, la cuisse fracass?e par la balle de Sam Smiling, se lamentait de ne pouvoir soutenir dans sa poursuite le docteur Lamar, ce dernier, rassemblant toute son ?nergie et bien d?cid? ? en finir, pourchassait le receleur, qui fuyait vers la falaise.</p> <p>Max, ? la course, ?tait nettement sup?rieur ? Sam Smiling. Il gagnait du terrain ? chaque minute et, sur une ligne de cr?te, l’issue de la poursuite n’e?t fait aucun doute. Malheureusement, le terrain ?tait parsem? de nombreux rochers, dont les anfractuosit?s permettaient ? Sam de dispara?tre brusquement aux yeux de Max Lamar.</p> <p>Qui sait si, dans une de ces anfractuosit? ne se trouvait pas quelque retraite habilement dissimul?e o? le vieux bandit pouvait s’?clipser soudainement ?</p> <p>Max Lamar, les dents serr?es, les coudes pr?s du corps, avan?ait en foul?es puissantes et se rapprochait visiblement quand, tout ? au d?tour d’un rocher, il se trouva en pr?sence d’un ?tre bizarre, v?tu de guenilles sordides, la t?te broussailleuse et les joues tapiss?es d’une barbe inculte, ressemblant moins ? du poil qu’? de vieilles algues dess?ch?es.</p> <p>Appuy? sur un b?ton noueux, cet ?tre ?trange, qui ne semblait appartenir qu’? peine ? l’esp?ce humaine, se tenait immobile contre le rocher, les yeux un peu ?gar?s, encore pleins de l’?tonnement d’un spectacle entrevu.</p> <p>Max avait vaguement entendu parler d’un individu myst?rieux qu’on appelait l’Ermite de la Falaise. Ce personnage, qui passait pour un d?voy?, rejet? par la soci?t?, et peut-?tre en d?licatesse avec elle, rendait de menus services aux p?cheurs de la c?te et recevait d’eux les secours n?cessaires ? sa mis?rable existence.</p> <p>Lamar ne douta pas un instant qu’il f?t en pr?sence de l’Ermite de la Falaise ; en toute autre circonstance, sa curiosit? l’e?t pouss? ? un interrogatoire int?ressant. Mais le temps n’?tait pas aux conversations.</p> <p>S’?tant ? peine arr?t? pour reprendre baleine, il demanda ? l’homme :</p> <p>ー Par o? est-il pass? ? Vous l’avez vu ?</p> <p>L’homme h?sita un instant. Puis, ayant longuement fix? dans les yeux le docteur, il sembla se d?cider.</p> <p>Et soudain, ?tendant la main droite vers le sommet de la falaise, il dit en ?touffant sa voix :</p> <p>ー C’est par l?… Mais prenez garde ! La falaise, derri?re cette ligne de rochers, est ? pic. Plus de deux cents pieds de hauteur.</p> <p>Max Lamar haussa les ?paules.</p> <p>ー Qu’importe… Merci tout de m?me !</p> <p>Et il repartit de son pas souple et rapide.</p> <p>L’Ermite n’avait pas menti. ? peine Lamar avait-il fait cinq cents pas qu’il atteignit une plate-forme vaste et d?nud?e dominant l’Oc?an.</p> <p>Sur cette plate-forme se d?tachait la silhouette de Sam Smiling. Celui-ci avait pris une mauvaise direction et se trouvait ainsi enferm? pour ainsi dire sur ce plateau, n’ayant d’autre issue, pour revenir sur ses pas, que le chemin par lequel arrivait Max Lamar.</p> <p>Partout ailleurs, autour de lui, des escarpements d’une hauteur vertigineuse ! La falaise formait, ? cet endroit, une sorte de promontoire ? pic au-dessus des roches battues par l’Oc?an.</p> <p>C’est l? que devait se d?cider le sort de la lutte engag?e entre le vieux bandit et le m?decin l?giste.</p> <p>Il n’y avait plus ? reculer ni pour l’un ni pour l’autre.</p> <p>Sam Smiling le comprit en voyant Max Lamar d?boucher sur le plateau.</p> <p>Tel un sanglier traqu?, il attendit.</p> <p>Les jambes ? demi ploy?es, un couteau dans la main, les yeux ?tincelants dans sa face contract?e par la terreur et par la haine, il ?tait pr?t ? vendre ch?rement sa vie.</p> <p>Max Lamar aurait pu l’abattre ? bout portant. Mais il tenait ? saisir vivant l’homme qu’il imaginait en possession du grand secret. D’autre part, bien que les m?nagements ne fussent gu?re de mise avec un criminel aussi dangereux que Sam Smiling, il voulait, en homme de sport, laisser ? l’adversaire sa chance de salut.</p> <p>ー ? nous deux, s’?cria-t-il en bondissant.</p> <p>De la main gauche, il ?carta la lame dirig?e vers lui, et, de l’autre, il saisit le receleur ? la gorge.</p> <p>Mais il avait affaire ? un ?tre d’une vigueur exceptionnelle.</p> <p>Tandis que les muscles ?normes de son cou saillaient, contract?s contre l’?treinte qui le jugulait, Sam, dont le couteau avait roul? au loin, empoigna le docteur aux flancs, et, par une pression qui devenait de plus en plus douloureuse, il l’obligea ? desserrer la tenaille qui l’?touffait.</p> <p>Ce fut le corps ? corps.</p> <p>Les deux hommes, farouchement embrass?s, cherchaient mutuellement ? se r?duire ? l’impuissance. Leurs os craquaient sous les ?treintes sauvages. Leurs respirations m?l?es se confondaient en un ahanement pareil au soufflet d’une forge.</p> <p>Le r?sultat fut un moment ind?cis.</p> <p>Tout ? coup, dans un effort supr?me, Max Lamar souleva Sam Smiling, et, le rejetant sur les reins, il le plaqua contre le sol, tout en ?tant entra?n? avec lui.</p> <p>Mais l’envergure de son geste avait ?t? trop large et, sous cette pouss?e nouvelle, les deux corps enlac?s venaient de s’engager sur la partie d?clive du promontoire.</p> <p>Tous deux, irr?sistiblement, roulaient dans l’ab?me.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

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<p>Efter en turbulent barndom p? kostskole, b?rnehjem og i plejefamile tog Jim Latrache-Qvortrup som 19-?rig til Fremmedlegionen og blev faldsk?rmssoldat. Senere begyndte han at s?lge narko og blev i 90’erne og 00’erne leverand?r af kokain til det k?benhavnske jetset, indtil han en dag blev fanget og sendt i f?ngsel. D?mt for 1,6 kilo kokain. M?det med en kvinde mellem to f?ngselsophold gjorde, at han forandrede sit liv og sin tankegang radikalt. Han blev lovlydig forretningsmand og er i dag en succesfuld iv?rks?tter med gang i flere forretninger og projekter i K?benhavn. P? sidelinjen har han i fire ?r v?ret undercover i Nordkorea og spillet rollen som den falske forretningsmand Mr. James, som infiltrerer det lukkede regime i Mads Br?ggers dokumentarfilm <em>Muldvarpen ? Undercover i Nordkorea</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>Due storie di amori differenti per le donne della propria vita: La futura compagna di vita,e la propria madre. Segni del destino che cambieranno inevitabilmente pi? esistenze.</p> <p>Agn?s Ruiz ? autrice di diversi best-sellers di cui sono state vendute pi? di 370.000 copie. Ha ottenuto un grande successo con il suo primo romanzo “Ma vie assassin?e”. Scrive sia per adulti che per ragazzi. I suoi racconti sulle indagini della detective Rachel Toury hanno avuto successo sia in Europa sia dall’altra parte dell’Atlantico. Diversi suoi titoli sono stati tradotti in pi? lingue. ? originaria della Normandia (Francia) e ha vissuto per circa 20 anni in Canada. ? sposata e ha tre figli.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>"Memorable Moments" has all kinds of kinky, sexiness, romantic gay sex you've come to love. In this provocative, small collection of short and arousing stories about not only with gay men, but also to curious males who are rethinking their own sexuality is both raw and risqu?.</p> <p>I was prompted to write a few gay stories for my readers on my website. Through chat and messages, they would tell me their own experiences because they felt I had an attentive ear and an unbiased opinion. It gave me more insight to gay male sexuality. These are their stories, not my own. I've put my own spin on them (with their consent) but the encounters as a whole are actual events. I hope you like them just as much as they did when I wrote them.</p> <p>Gay men for men erotic short stories of lust and love. This small collection of short and arousing stories is sizzling off the pages and is sure to make you lust for more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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<p><strong>WINNER OF THE COSTA FIRST NOVEL AWARD 2020</strong><br /> <strong>LONGLISTED FOR THE OCM BOCAS PRIZE</strong></p> <p><strong>AS SEEN ON BBC'S <em>BETWEEN THE COVERS</em></strong><br /> <strong>ONE OF <em>STYLIST</em>'S BEST NEW BOOKS FOR 2020</strong><br /> <em>'<em>A beautiful book. I adored it.' RICHARD OSMAN</em></em><br /> <strong>'Full of wit and soul.' TRACY CHEVALIER<br /> 'Unforgettable' MARLON JAMES<br /> 'It made me ugly cry' JESSIE BURTON</strong><br /> <strong>'Glorious' RACHEL JOYCE</strong><br /> <strong>'Spellbinding' ANDR? ACIMAN</strong><br /> <strong>'Just wonderful' BRYONY GORDON</strong><br /> <strong>Meet the Ramdin-Chetan family: forged through loneliness, broken by secrets, saved by love.</strong><br /> Irrepressible Betty Ramdin, her shy son Solo and their marvellous lodger, Mr Chetan, form an unconventional household, happy in their differences, as they build a home together. Home: the place where your navel string is buried, keeping these three safe from an increasingly dangerous world. Happy and loving they are, until the night when a glass of rum, a heart to heart and a terrible truth explodes the family unit, driving them apart.<br /> Brave and brilliant, steeped in affection, <em>Love After Love</em> asks us to consider what happens at the very brink of human forgiveness, and offers hope to anyone who has loved and lost and has yet to find their way back.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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<p>????? ???????? ? ?????????? ????????? ?????? ??????? (???????? ?????, ????) ?????????????????????? ??????????? ≪??????≫ (1983), ≪???? ?????≫ (1987) ? ≪??? ????????≫ (1993) ????????????????</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>Anno 1200 circa. Jacopo ? un giovane apprendista presso il leggendario Monastero del Sacro Speco di Subiaco. Un'oscura leggenda circonda l'eremo in cima alla montagna... e suo malgrado, il ragazzo si trover? a dover affrontare una terribile prova: per salvare la sua vita, per salvare il suo spirito. <em>La Stanza dei Mille Volti</em> di Jason Ray Forbus ? un racconto horror, il preludio di una storia terribile e affascinante...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>'My beloved isn't dazzling light, Darkness is my beloved ? The reason I'm so fond of her…' The poet gives his reason for loving his darkness. The all-pervading darkness is primordial, it is something very pure. The poet shows that it is not something to be feared , but to love and to embrace. Darkness is the song of the profound silence, to be listened to and to be enjoyed...</p> <p>The present collection (????????? ?????) is the Bengali version of the book 'Poems of Darkness'.</p> <p>‘??? ?????? ????,<br /> ???, ??? ?? ?????? ???!<br /> ???, ?????? ???? ??????? ??? ???...’</p> <p>‘???????? ???? ????? ??? ????<br /> ??? ?????? ????????? ????<br /> ??????????? ?????? ????...’</p> <p>‘???? ??? ???? ??<br /> ?????? ???? -<br /> ??????? ???<br /> ???? ?????????...’</p> <p>????????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ????????????</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>The Works Of Edgar Allan Poe is a collection of short life stories of Edgar Allan Poe which are very engaging. The book includes various famous stories such as The unparalleled adventures of one Hans Pfaal which is an extremely long-winded science fiction tale about traveling to the moon in a balloon, which makes this tale into a great adventurous science fiction tale. One tale, Four Beasts in One, transports the reader to ancient Syria where they witness a strange ritual involving an emperor of Syria who is clothed as an odd hybrid beast and is praised for his brutality. The oval portrait, a science fiction or police procedural that is one of the book's most well-known stories, is succinct and to the point without sacrificing any of its power due to its concision or lack of detailed cataloging. A girl who was painted to death is the main subject of this ghost story.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>≪Мажор≫ - произведение советского педагога и писателя А. С. Макаренко (1888 ? 1939).<br /> Пьеса написана в 1932 году. Она рассказывает о бодром, жизнерадостном настроении ребят из коммуны Макаренко. Автор объяснял свою позицию ≪Во-первых, мажор. Я ставлю во главу угла это качество. Постоянная бодрость, никаких сумрачных лиц, никаких кислых выражений, постоянная готовность к действию, радужное настроение, именно мажорное, веселое, бодрое настроение…≫<br /> Перу Макаренко принадлежат и такие произведения: ≪Максим Горький в моей жизни≫, ≪Марш тридцатого года≫, ≪Настоящий характер≫, ≪О воспитательной системе≫, ≪Педагогическая поэма≫.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア


ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>"?mhed om fredagen" er en novellesamling af Lars Lundgaard best?ende af over et halvt dusin forskellige noveller. Bogen er en forl?ngelse af "K?rlighed om torsdagen" og fort?ller om det moderne samfunds behandlere i form af blandt andet l?ger, psykologer og jurister (heltene) og om de sociale tabere (de andre).</p> <p>Lars Lundgaard (f. 1945) er en dansk forfatter, der er kendt for at have skrevet b?ger inden for et bredt spektrum af genrer og tematikker. Lundgaard har blandt andet udgivet politiske krimier, b?ger om ledelse, debatb?ger om politik, og st?r bag op til flere kronikker om udvikling af folkestyret og ledelse. Lars Lundgaard valgte efter en l?ngere forfatterkarriere at tr?kke sig tilbage fra denne gerning og grundlagde i stedet en konsulentvirksomhed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>It's Tag Crane's job to be the life of the party. Traveling from one exotic locale to another is just part of running the luxurious Crane Hotel empire. But even paradise isn't perfect. Devising a new business strategy is keeping Tag up at night-and so is the Great Dane barking at all hours in the apartment below his. To muzzle the problem, Tag charges downstairs . . . right into the most beautiful, blond distraction he's ever seen.</p> <p>Dog-sitting by day, bartending by night. It's not exactly the life Rachel Foster dreamed of. But when Tag Crane rushes in, all mountain-man shoulders and obscenely sexy smile, needing her help for the Crane Hotels, it's a fantasy come true. What's the harm in a fun no-strings fling? Only a fool would give her heart to a billionaire player like Tag-until suddenly the one man who can't be caught is the one flirting with forever . . .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>Still reeling from the murder at the grand opening of her B&B inn, Trina is beset with yet another mystery. While making renovations, Trina learns that the inn's dumbwaiter is in fact the tomb of someone who diedyears ago.</p> <p>Soon, Trina finds that there are several other mysteries surrounding her-- like the lovely Alexandra who keeps waiting at the inn for her husband, who never arrives; the sexy Rhiannon who meets a strange man late at night andthe chanteuse at a local Frenchrestaurant who Trina observes becomes extremely upset at the appearance of Lieutenant Klonski.</p> <p>Throughout the story Trina tries to solve all of these puzzles, finally realizing that there's a greater mystery in the dumbwaiter than merely an old skeleton.</p> <p><a href="www.tinaczarnota@bellsouth.net">www.tinaczarnota@bellsouth.net</a></p> <p>A fun trailer of Tina's mysteries for you to enjoy.</p> <p><a href="www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zx4osvtiy4">www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zx4osvtiy4</a></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>Den Abschluss der Raumlotsen-Saga Carlos Raschs bildet ein Episodenroman, dessen Handlung lange nach den ersten drei B?nden auf der Siedlungswelt JUWELA spielt. In der Gesellschaft aus Nachkommen von Erdbewohnern, die in drei verschiedene Gruppen geteilt ist - die einfachen Siedler, ?ber etwas moderne Technologie verf?gende Orbitaner und die meist in Tiefschlaf liegenden Raumfahrer von der von Menschen verlassenen Erde - versch?rfen sich nach zweihundert Jahren die Gegens?tze bis zur offenen Auseinandersetzung. INHALT: Vogelreiter und Flussvolk In Wolken ein Vogelreiter fliegt Der Patriarch des Flussvolkes Ankunft der Sternenleute Bei Salzmachern an der Krautsee Schiffstaufe am Trutzfelsen Trecks in den W?ldern von JUWELA Windgeist in der Morgenstille Auf 100 Tage Wegbegleiter Schlammw?hler Und fern die Hohe Kante Versteck im Dickicht Der Uhren Ticken durchstreift die Zeit Hadrian, der Orbitaner Listige Einladung Vogelreiterin mit Luftpost der Legatin Nachricht f?r Verfolgten Moos dr?ber Zum Abendmahl ein scheinheiliger Feind Konzert-Quartett f?r Lichtgeister K?pfe rollen um Mitternacht Reiterin im Regensturm Sorgen um einen Entf?hrten Im Aufwind tanzen die Wirbel Gerechte H?nde fangen Verh?r zur Ehre und Freiheit Entledigt der Last der S?hne Der Trommeln dunkler Ruf Ehrenvoller Auftrag Inschrift am Felsen Flo?fahrt nach Deltrix Den Rio Meridano stromab Zwei Frauen im ?bermut Vorbereitungen f?r Verwirrspiel Fahndung in gr?nen Gassen Hadrians Trugschluss im Teehof Hadrian im ?bermut Odis und Nebi in den Arkaden Stockkampf der Zwillinge Fest am Dreiecks-See Ges?nge am Kap der Kapuzler Nebliger Morgen im Schilf Kampfroboter unerw?nscht Unter vier Augen im Kr?hennest Ankunft des Flo?es Mythod?a Angriff der S?hnlinge B?ume als Atem der Seelen N?chtlicher Schabernack Stockkampf und Laserblitze Abkommen mit einem Finsterling Landeskunde ?ber JUWELA Siedlungsgebiet der Terraformer Justiz Ordenspelzler Schweber Kaltblutmutanten W?lder Orbitaner Festis Pl?doyer f?r Utopia Fantasie und Antagonismen</p> <p>Carlos Rasch wurde am 6. April 1932 in Curitiba unweit von Sao Paulo und dem Kaffeehafen Santos im brasilianischen Hochland von Parana geboren. Seine Eltern, aus Ostpreu?en und der Magdeburger B?rde stammend, kehrten 1938 nach Deutschland zur?ck. Nach seiner Schulzeit in Ostpreu?en lernte Rasch in K?then Dreher, arbeitete aber schon ab 1951 in Berlin ais Reporter und Redakteur in einer Nachrichtenagentur. Er lebte seit 1963 in Falkensee, einem Ort nahe Berlin, ehe er 2000 nach Brieselang bei Nauen zog. Er hat drei Kinder und f?nf Enkel. Seit 1960 ist er schriftstellerisch t?tig. In Deutschland und dem angrenzendem Ausland ver?ffentlichte er mehrere utopische B?cher, darunter auch Kinderbuchtexte, zusammen etwa 50 Auflagen mit 1,5 Millionen Exemplaren. Er hielt ?ber 1 200 Lesungen in Schulen, Kinderg?rten, Jugendklubs und Buchhandlungen sowie in Gewerkschafts- und Stadtbibliotheken. Nach 1990 war Carlos Rasch f?r die M?rkische Allgemeine Potsdam, einem Imprint der Frankfurter Allgemeinen, als fest eingestellter Redakteur t?tig. Er verfasste ?ber 3 000 Artikel, Portr?ts und Gerichtsberichte zu den Anpassungswehen Ostdeutschlands an die Bundesrepublik. Seit 1997 ist er Ruhest?ndler. Raschs wichtigste Titel sind die B?cher "Asteroidenj?ger" (1961) mit 148 000, "Der blaue Planet" (1963) mit 260 000, "Krakentang" (1968) mit 110 000 und "Magma am Himmel" (1975) mit 80 000 Exemplaren. Hinzu kommen noch 1967 die beiden Kinderb?cher "Mobbi Wei?bauch" und 1988 "Der verlorene Gl?hstein". Die "Asteroidenj?ger" waren auch Vorlage zum DEFA-Film "Signale - Ein Weltraumabenteuer" (Regie Kolditz), der noch 2001 in Minnesota (USA), in Bradford (England) und in Berlin Sondervorf?hrungen erlebte. Das Fernsehen der DDR ?bertrug dem Autor 1973 mehrere Folgen der Serie "Raumlotsen", die dann aber wegen des hohen Modellaufwandes nicht in Produktion ging. Rasch hat diese Szenarien in sein vierb?ndiges Werk 'RAUMLOTSEN' einflie?en lassen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>What do a gay teenager whose first name is Last, a future sorority queen who calls her horse Pierce Chad Stonington III, a virgin-until-marriage pledge group, a pirate radio station, a wacko fundamentalist Christian terrorist organization, and the National Guard have in common? The answer is: A fun and zany look at lust and love, small town life, authority run amok, and teenage rebellion.</p> <p>Last Class is a comedic novel about a small town in the throes of a modern-day sexual revolution. In this madcap hormonal romp, a shy high school student, Last Mundy, launches a multimedia protest against narrow-minded teachers, his tranquilized monkey classmates, and a totalitarian high school principal. Heidi Malone, a local herbal supplements seller, joins the protest to raise awareness of her impending court trialーall on account of a trumped-up obscenity charge leveled at her car’s hood ornament. The protest snowballs into a full-fledged rebellion that spreads throughout the town and captures the attention of the nation’s media, rocketing the town’s tiny population from obscurity into the bizarre glare of unwanted stardom.</p> <p>While the protest wreaks havoc against false morality and double-dealing politicians, three romances blossom amid the chaos. Treasure Stephens, a suffer-no-fools, middle-aged gladiator, wonders if writing her fictionalized autobiography has forever consigned her to living alone with the past. Suresh Chatterjee, a high-strung teenager, begins to take anarchy lessons from Treasure, all in the hope of protecting his would-be love, Last, from the grips of a marauding high school chimp. And, thirty-seven years earlier, a love affair ahead of its time lives through the most momentous events of the autumn of 1971ーthe debut of The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour, the launch of ChapStick’s flavoured lip balms, and Soul Train storming the airwaves of the nation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p><strong>?mnibus Deseo 528</strong></p> <p><strong>Lejos del matrimonio</strong></p> <p>El camino hacia el coraz?n de un hombre...</p> <p>El poderoso y seductor Rey Hart se qued? hipnotizado con solo ver a Meredith Johns. Aquella encantadora joven hab?a conseguido conmoverle el alma con su inocencia, y adem?s hab?a descubierto que era una magn?fica cocinera. As? que Rey no dud? en llevarla al rancho como su nueva cocinera y as? adem?s la libraba de una dura situaci?n familiar. Lo que no hab?a previsto era que la presencia de Meredith iba a poner en peligro sus planes de permanecer soltero, especialmente despu?s de aquel incre?ble beso. ?Podr?a su relaci?n sobrevivir a pesar del orgullo de Rey y del peligroso pasado de Meredith?</p> <p><strong>El preferido de las mujeres</strong></p> <p>Un hombre acostumbrado a controlar la situaci?n estaba a punto de verse atrapado por el deseo.</p> <p>Desde que el agente de la DEA Alexander Cobb hab?a rechazado a Jodie Clayburn, ambos se hab?an convertido en enemigos. Pero ocho a?os despu?s, una importante misi?n iba a volver a reunirlos. El c?nico y duro texano no pod?a creer que aquella muchacha con cara de ni?a se hubiera convertido en una belleza capaz de ayudarlo a resolver el caso que estaba amenazando a toda la ciudad de Jacobsville. Jodie lo hab?a conquistado y Alexander iba a hacer cualquier cosa para poseerla y protegerla.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

INSTANT IN THE WIND Andre Brink SOURCEBOOKS INC2008 Paperback English ISBN:9781402211096 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction

ショップ名: 楽天ブックス

<p>Considerado um dos maiores autores da literatura norte-americana, Mark Twain explora em As aventuras de Huckleberry Finn quest?es s?rias sobre problemas sociais, pol?ticos e morais com que precisou lidar durante a guerra civil dos Estados Unidos, muitos dos quais ainda est?o presentes nos dias de hoje. Ao escapar do pai violento e se refugiar em uma ilha, Huck Finn aproxima-se de Jim, um escravo fugido, e desenvolve com ele uma solid?ria rela??o de amizade. Em busca de liberdade, a dupla come?a uma viagem pelo leito do rio Mississippi, e a cada parada envolve-se em inusitadas aventuras. Al?m da voz infantil de um narrador que desce em fuga pelo Mississippi, Twain desenvolve uma segunda hist?ria, que destaca a inoc?ncia perdida de uma na??o. Nesta edi??o de bolso foi mantido o car?ter de oralidade que permeia todo o texto e que varia de acordo com a regi?o e a origem social de cada personagem. Uma deliciosa s?tira social, recomendada para todas as idades.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>It is now more than ten years since I met, for the last time, Michael Robartes, and for the first time and the last time his friends and fellow students; and witnessed his and their tragic end, and endured those strange experiences, which have changed me so that my writings have grown less popular and less intelligible, and driven me almost to the verge of taking the habit of St. Dominic. I had just published Rosa Alchemica, a little work on the Alchemists, somewhat in the manner of Sir Thomas Browne, and had received many letters from believers in the arcane sciences, upbraiding what they called my timidity, for they could not believe so evident sympathy but the sympathy of the artist, which is half pity, for everything which has moved men's hearts in any age</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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<p>Fernando Castelli, Filmfreak aus Buenos Aires, hat's nicht leicht. Um sich und seine despotische Mutter ?ber Wasser zu halten, schuftet er als Angestellter in einem Videoladen und kocht in seiner freien Zeit in einer Filmproduktionsfirma den Kaffee f?r die eiskalte Chefin. Kein Wunder, dass er Tr?ume hat. Und ein ?ber-Ich namens Jack the Ripper, das ihm dabei hilft, sie zu verwirklichen: Fernando soll sich in einen Serienkiller verwandeln und den grausigen Plot f?r das oscarverd?chtige, millionenschwere Drehbuch selbst besorgen. Und schon geht sie los, Jos? Pablo Feinmanns Romanparodie auf die blutr?nstige Massenkultur. Leichen pflastern Fernandos Weg zum Ruhm, und ein paar Ohren dienen als Troph?en. Wenn das letzte abgeschnitten ist, ist das Drehbuch fertig, Fernandos Chefin reich und die sch?ne Ana Espinosa als M?rtyrerin des Privatfernsehens gen Himmel gefahren. Inspektor Colombres hingegen muss einsehen, dass die Tage des argentinischen Machos gez?hlt sind, und geht zum Showdown ins Kino. Das frivole Spiel mit Fiktion und Wirklichkeit ist hier Motor des Geschehens. Im Fadenkreuz dieses gro?artigen Schriftstellers steht der uners?ttliche Hunger der modernen Spa?gesellschaft auf Dramen und Sensationen, die ebenso schnell verwurstet wie vergessen werden. Von Jos? Pablo Feinmann au?erdem in der Edition di?: Die unm?gliche Leiche. Kriminalroman Aus dem argentinischen Spanisch von Thomas Brovot ISBN 9783860345484</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

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<p>Magdalena, New York.</p> <p><em><strong>Home of memories long buried, steamy nights, and one regrettable summer…</strong></em></p> <p>Grace Romano had been seventeen, impressionable, innocent to the power of attraction and desire.</p> <p>Max Ruhland taught her about both. He loved Grace and thought they had a future together, until she crushed his heart and told him he wasn’t part of her life plan.</p> <p>Twenty-two years later, Grace Romano Clarke is a widow with two children and a pile of broken dreams. When her aunt dies, she must return to Magdalena, the town she’d rather forget, to honor the woman’s last wishes: stay in her house for thirty days, and complete a list that, according to her aunt, will reveal a bit about life and maybe reveal something about herself, too. What Grace doesn’t know but will find out soon enough is that Max Ruhland must stay in the house with her and help complete the list!</p> <p>Max Ruhland isn’t the same lovesick puppy from the wrong side of the tracks who had his heart broken all those years ago. He’s a wealthy, successful businessman who owes his good fortune to Grace’s aunt, the woman who never gave up on him. Max can have any woman he wants, but he’s never forgotten Grace, or how she hurt him. Now he’ll have to spend the next thirty days with herーin close quartersーto honor her aunt’s last wishes, and he’s not looking forward to it.</p> <p>It’s going to get very interesting as the town watches and wonders what’s going on between those two. Of course, Pop Benito understands exactly what’s happening in the house on Bayberry Street, even if Max and Grace don’t. He’s the one who helped Grace’s aunt create the thirty-day list, which he insists will finally get this couple their happily-ever-after!</p> <p>See you in Magdalena!</p> <p><strong>Truth in Lies Series:</strong></p> <p>Book One: A Family Affair</p> <p>Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring</p> <p>Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer</p> <p>Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall</p> <p>Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas</p> <p>Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter</p> <p>Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise</p> <p>Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret</p> <p>Book Nine: A Family Affair: The Wish</p> <p>Book Ten: A Family Affair: The Gift</p> <p>Book Eleven: A Family Affair: The Weddings, a novella</p> <p>Book Twelve: A Family Affair: The Cabin, a novella</p> <p>Book Thirteen: A Family Affair: The Return</p> <p>Book Fourteen: A Family Affair: The Choice</p> <p>Book Fifteen: A Family Affair: The Proposal</p> <p>Book Sixteen: A Family Affair: Bonus Scenes</p> <p>Book Seventeen: A Family Affair: The Homecoming</p> <p>Book Eighteen: A Family Affair: The Decision</p> <p>Book Nineteen: A Family Affair: The Journey</p> <p>Book Twenty: A Family Affair: The List</p> <p>Meals From Magdalena, A Family Affair Cookbook</p> <p>Thank you for your interest in A Family Affair: The Return. If you’d like to be notified of my new releases, please sign up at my website: www.marycampisi.com</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>Big City Nights: The Biography of the Legendary Cisero Murphy<br> By: Tyriek A. Murphy<br>  <br> This book your are about to embark upon contains a detailed depiction of a dramatically dynamic individual ? whose  family ancestry dates back to the late nineteenth century ? determined to diversify a sports area dedicated and dominated by Caucasians during the mid-twentieth century. This essential gentleman has repeatedly set records that are still intact today, in the twenty-first century. Whether locally, nationally, or internationally, this man displayed the utmost professionalism during times of devastation derived from racial discrimination. Despite the dangerous deviations, he dissected his way through in life; he always found the directional path to overcome the odds. His breakthrough ultimately paved the way for other diverse players and, essentially, women to partake in the pastime. As a result, and considered by many to be the “Jackie Robinson” of the billiards world, this iconic figure holds the record for being the only Black American world title winner and Hall of Fame inductee in professional billiards history. Enjoy this literature piece about the legendary Cisero Murphy.<br>  <br> About the Author</p> <p>Naturally, to be as versatile as he has been in life, it took a strong village to mold Tyriek A. Murphy’s persona. Having dedicated family and family friends raise him and ensure that every step forward was of a solid foundation made certain his very successful existence. This essential facet of community child mentoring is the one traditional component Murphy utilized in the proper and positive adolescent development of his own two children, Tychelle and Tyler.</p> <p>Through life’s progression, Murphy has acquired spectacular academic and professional accomplishments. He obtained his graduate degree from Alfred University and his undergraduate degree from The College of New Rochelle. Professionally, he has fifteen years of customer relations; six years of loss prevention, transportation, and security; and five years of management operations. He has knowledge of human services, medical support services, and has been specially trained in law enforcement.</p> <p>As the sole owner and chief executive officer of Murphy Enterprise Solutions (MES), it is with great honor that he humbly leads his organization in the deliverance of luxurious benefits to modern civilization. One of those assets is this literary piece regarding his grandfather, Cisero Murphy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>Qui ?tait Jeanne d’Arc ?</p> <p><strong>Le mercredi 30 mai 1431, Jeanne d’Arc a-t-elle ?t? br?l?e vive ? Rouen, apr?s avoir d?livr? la ville d’Orl?ans et men? Charles VII ? Reims pour y ?tre sacr? roi de France ? De larges zones d’ombre recouvrent l’histoire officielle de la Pucelle. ?tait-elle vraiment l’humble petite berg?re lorraine que l’on nous pr?sente ?</strong><br /> Comment une paysanne de seize ans aurait-elle su monter ? cheval, manier la lance et l’?p?e, commander ? une arm?e ? Quel secret extraordinaire a-t-elle r?v?l? ? Charles VII lors de leur entrevue de Chinon, ? tel point que le souverain en a eu les larmes aux yeux ?<br /> Rompant avec les v?rit?s officielles et s’appuyant sur une ?tude critique minutieuse et impartiale des sources, Bernard Simonay a reconstitu? dans ce roman ce qu’a pu ?tre l’autre destin de Jeanne d’Arc. Celle-ci n’est pas l’envoy?e de Dieu des manuels d’histoire. En secret, une puissante toute terrestre l’a froidement utilis?e pour r?aliser l’un des plus spectaculaires retournements militaires et diplomatiques de l’histoire de France.<br /> De cette fresque historique tumultueuse et haletante, incroyablement riche en rebondissements, se d?gage le portrait d’une femme exceptionnelle, avec ses ombres et ses lumi?res, une h?ro?ne anim?e d’une foi profonde, d’autant plus admirable qu’elle n’est pas la sainte intouchable du mythe. Une femme dont la l?gende s’est empar?e sous le nom de Jeanne d’Arc, nom qu’elle n’a pourtant jamais port? de son vivant.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>El avaro o La escuela de la mentira es una comedia en prosa de Moli?re en 5 actos. Se estren? en el teatro del Palais-Royal, el 9 de septiembre de 1668. El tema est? claramente inspirado en La olla de Plauto.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

FARRINGDONS FORTUNE Linda Finlay HARPERCOLLINS 3602023 Paperback English ISBN:9780008392703 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction

ショップ名: 楽天ブックス

<p>H.G. Wells, the author, has been called the father of science fiction.<br /> The Time Machine is one of his most notable science fictions. Its a Time Travellers journey into the future. He explains that there are really four limensions, three of which we call the three planes of the Space, and a fourth, Time. Also, there is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it.<br /> The book narrates how the Time Traveller plans for a machine to travel through time and disappear. Comparison between the present time and future time. Like as, the air is free from gnats, the earth from weeds or fungi; everwhere were fruits and sweet and delightful flowers; brilliant butterflies fly hither and thither. The ideal of preventive medicine is attained. Diseases are stamped out. No contagious diseases. Even social triumphs too is effected. Like as, the mankind is housed in splendid shelters, gloriously clothed, and as yet are not engaged in toil. No signs of struggle, neither social nor economical.<br /> The population is also ceased to increase.<br /> No one can predict anything about the future Time.<br /> This book seems very interesting, in this way. Solves many queries raised by the various characters in the book with the Time Traveller.<br /> The author has written his best to enthrall the readers.<br /> Many future films and Television Series are made on The Time Machine, which has in turn inspired to write new books on the topic of The Time Machine.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p><strong>Le jeu du chat et de la souris a commenc?, mais lequel pi?gera l'autre ?</strong></p> <p>Sur la pelouse du Fort de Locqueltas, ? Larmor-Plage, on retrouve un homme sans vie. Curieux, l’accoutrement de ce dernier… Curieux plus encore quand, du livre pos? ? c?t? de lui, s’?chappe une carte de visite adress?e au commissaire Landowski… Il n’en faut pas davantage pour que celui-ci, toujours ? l’?troit dans les bureaux parisiens, en profite pour filer vers la Bretagne.</p> <p>C’est de victime en victime que l’adversaire insaisissable l’invite ? participer ? un jeu de piste tordu, o? l’argent et la haine s’accordent pour faire le grand m?nage. Sur cette h?catombe de corps en costume de f?te flotte un parfum ent?tant d’huiles essentielles et les ombres du pass? rajoutent encore quelques pi?ces au puzzle que le divisionnaire doit r?soudre…</p> <p>Mais Landowski est de retour, n’en doutez pas !</p> <p><strong>Laissez-vous emporter dans ce polar noir rythm? par un compte ? rebours haletant, d?couvrez le tome 23 des enqu?tes du commissaire Landowski !</strong></p> <p>EXTRAIT</p> <p>C’est mercredi matin ? Larmor-Plage. Un matin comme beaucoup d’autres qui t?moigne des al?as climatiques. Dans une heure ou deux, le soleil aura r?ussi ? percer. Pour le moment, il somnole en hauteur comme s’il voulait se faire d?sirer.<br /> Une sorte de brume de mer s’est form?e sur la rade de Lorient sans crier gare. Le ciel et l’eau se fondent d?licatement dans un gris ouat? qui att?nue les sons et d?lave les moindres rep?res. Pudeur du matin d’une nature qui se joue des regards. Comme une femme au saut du lit qui n’a rien oubli?.<br /> Le navire assurant le service r?gulier entre l’?le de Groix et le continent s’embouque lentement dans la Passe de l’Ouest. Il faut ?tre tr?s attentif quand il fait ce temps b?ch?. Les passagers ont quand m?me confiance. M?me si l’?quipage a de l’exp?rience ? revendre, il ne faut pas les d?cevoir par une man?uvre hasardeuse. Ni les mettre en danger.</p> <p>CE QU'EN PENSE LA CRITIQUE</p> <p>?ditions Bargain, le succ?s du polar breton. - <em><strong>Ouest France</strong></em></p> <p>? PROPOS DE L’AUTEUR</p> <p><strong>Serge Le Gall</strong> est n? ? Concarneau en 1951, il vit et ?crit ? Pont-Aven. Apr?s la r?daction d'ouvrages d'histoire locale, il s'est tourn? vers le roman policier. C?t? enqu?tes, il s'appuie sur son exp?rience professionnelle dans le milieu judiciaire. C?t? suspense, il aime bien jouer ? cache-cache avec son lecteur. Le commissaire divisionnaire Landowski est son personnage f?tiche... Dans la collection Enqu?tes et Suspense, il vous propose de participer ici ? la dix-huiti?me enqu?te du d?sormais c?l?bre commissaire.</p> <p>? PROPOS DE L'?DITEUR</p> <p>"Depuis sa cr?ation en 1996, pas moins de 3 millions d'exemplaires des 420 titres de la collection ≪ Enqu?tes et suspense ≫ ont ?t? vendus. [...] ? chaque fois, la g?ographie est d?taill?e ? l'extr?me, et les lecteurs, qu'ils soient r?sidents ou de passage, peuvent voir ?voluer les personnages dans les criques qu'ils fr?quentent." - <strong>Cl?mentine Goldszal, <em>M le Mag</em>, ao?t 2023</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

<p>Tom Gatses was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 1999. Instead of allowing this disease to take over his body, he chose to fight his illness like he has learned to do all his life through Martial Arts. Tom had renal failure and was on dialysis for 18 months. This book is a personal reflection of Toms triumphs and tells an easy to understand story along with giving key strategies to staying ahead of Parkinsons, as well as other ailments or debilitating diseases. This book exemplifies how the author stays focused on his positive attitude and daily living from the onset of his being diagnosed through years of struggling with P.D. as well as dealing with his family.</p> <p>This book describes how Tom has developed the S.A.F.E. way of living, through support from his family, relatives, friends and doctors. Also by having one of the greatest attitudes of living with this disease to having faith carry him through it all, and in exercising not only his body but his mind as well which actually improves his symptoms.</p> <p>After having Parkinsons disease for over 12 years Tom continues to remain in stage 1 of this progressive disease. He has a Masters degree in Health, Physical Education and Exercise Physiology. He is an exercise enthusiast and believes exercise is mandatory and essential to the human body.</p> <p>In the past 5 years Tom has had 50 procedures and operations for fistulas, catheters, a kidney transplant, etc. He also had MRSA 5 times in 8 months. Because of his positive attitude Tom not only beat the odds that were stacked against him, but he continues to bike, swim, workout with weights and bands, plays golf and plays strenuous racquetball. He also exercises his mind by playing scrabble, chess, Sudoku, doing crossword puzzles and memorizes countries, States, territories, provinces and capitals of the world.</p> <p>Tom has received a successful kidney transplant and is living a promising and fulfilled life with his wife Jennie. He has 12 grandchildren with more on the way. He currently resides in Homer Glen , Illinois.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。

ショップ名: 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア



















































































































































































































































